Why You Need Asset Protection
Anyone with unprotected assets can be targeted for an attack by financial predators,
each armed with a contingent fee lawyer.
If you run your own business, if you have stocks and bonds or real estate, if
you are in the public eye as a celebrity or even known in small circles as someone
who is "doing well," you are already in a financial predator's gun sites.
As a business owner or a licensed professional, you have a one in three chance
of being sued next year. This epidemic of law suits is only getting worse with
more than 100,000 law school graduates being unleashed each year: each with a
license to sue and many without a decent job, this is more lawyers than Japan
or China have for their entire country.
So why do I need it now?
The reality is that any of these common life events could happen today and can
leave you penniless:
-A negligence or injury claim, justified or not, exceeding any insurance coverage you may have.
-Lawsuits from disgruntled business partners or employees.
-Claims from creditors should your business fail.
-Breach of contract through no fault of your own.
-Catastrophic medical bills.
As you can see, none of these events are caused
by dangerous or even self-destructive behavior; they happen everyday
to average citizens that do not do anything illegal or ethically
While Trustmakers can’t stop you from being sued we dramatically
reduce the financial incentive to litigate. The bottom line is
that these contingent fee litigators sue for money. If they cannot
take your protected assets you are a much smaller target. We
greatly reduce your financial exposure to them.
Even though you can’t take it with you: you can make very
certain nobody takes it from you while you’re still here.
Until now asset protection was something that only the wealthy
could afford. Small businesses and individuals often lost their
businesses and were left penniless after attack from a financial
The sad truth is that there was no affordable, rock-solid program
to help protect a person…until now.
Trustmakers provides technology which create a fortress around your protected
The important reality is you need to be proactive and start while the financial
seas are calm since solid asset protection cannot be safely and effectively implemented
if the wolves are already at the door.
"Simple: Nine of out of ten lawsuits filed in the world are filed in the United States.
Our legal system is out of control.
You cannot trust our legal system to protect you; so, you must
do it yourself. Fortunately, we have the tools." To learn more about how you can use asset protection to protect your wealth, we'd like to give you our free asset protection course.

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Asset Protecion Training
If you are looking for the most important concepts in Asset Protection, this is where to start! If you need to talk intelligently about protecting your net worth or you are a professional this online training program is for you!

Free Asset Protecion Course
Get our Free Online Asset Protection Video Course.
Learn how to protect yourself like the pros!

Asset Protection in a Nutshell
Clear, concise and straight forward, this e-Book will help you make sound decisions with your business and personal assets..

Protecting Assets - 70+ Video Lessons + 3 Ebooks
This e-course will give you straight forward asset protection advice you can implement now. One of the best asset protection courses available! Includes 70+ video lessons, 3 Ebooks, and 6 example legal documents!

Advanced Estate Planner
The key to a solid Asset Protection Plan is the Estate Plan. This downloadable estate organizer will help you keep track of important information about your assets and important legal documents all in one place.