C.A.L.M. Introduction
C.A.L.M. - Comprehensive Asset & Liability Management
Are you tired of being the target of your local personal injury or malpractice (Plaintiff's) attorney?
Do you worry that tomorrow might bring a lawsuit that can wipe out your wealth and destroy your family's financial future?
Do you feel helpless due to your lack of knowledge and a lack of coordination among the advisors whose advice you are relying on to protect your financial future?
Do you really believe your current Attorney, CPA/Accountant, Financial Planner and other advisors have put in place for you a proper asset protection plan (chances are you have NO asset protection plan).
If you are someone with more than a $250,000 net worth, you need asset protection.
To read a testimonial from a client who received a Level 1 memo, please click here.
Physicians and other �professionals - If you are a physician or other professional, are you practicing without malpractice insurance (�bare�) or thinking of going without malpractice insurance due to the high cost?
If you have professional liability insurance, are your policy limits adequate to protect your personal assets? (in other words, do you have a $1M policy limit and face the risk of a $3M+ jury verdict?)
Are you ready to take control of your financial future? If so, you are ready for a C.A.L.M. Asset Protection Legal Plan.
What is C.A.L.M.?
C.A.L.M. is a �comprehensive� approach to protecting a client�s business and personal assets from creditors while reducing the cost of professional liability (malpractice) and other negligence claims. C.A.L.M. has five levels which can be utilized to help you protect your assets from creditors.
C.A.L.M. allows clients to take control of litigation by utilizing alternative dispute resolution (ADR � Mediation and Arbitration) to �cut the cost of conflict� and resolve claims without going to court.
C.A.L.M., through unique technology, coordinates a client�s defense attorney, asset protection attorney, healthcare attorney, conflict management attorney and other attorneys, accountants and advisors and helps them to better work together to resolve claims as quickly as possible and at the lowest possible cost.
C.A.L.M. provides access to attorneys, accountants and financial planners who are Certified Wealth Preservation Planners (CWPP�) and CALM-certified in their state and uniquely qualified to help physicians and other licensed professionals protect themselves from paying too much in taxes.
What does C.A.L.M cost?
The initial services cost for CALM Level 1 is $495.
If you would like go to our application form for Level 1 C.A.L.M. (Click Here) Get started today!
What services are provided?
1) Evaluation of a client�s asset protection plan and estate plan.
2) a Multi-page memo created by a Certified Wealth Preservation Planner (CWPP�) outlining the flaws of the client's current asset protection and estate plan and a list of suggestions for improvement.
3) Educational information through:
books and articles
in-person seminars (may qualify for Continuing Medical Education Credit).
4) Access to discounted, technology-enabled conflict management services to help settle any new medical malpractice claim.
5) Delivery of proper forms and documents needed in every business to facilitate arbitration and mediation and keep you out of court.
6) An annual review of each client�s asset protection plan.
How is a C.A.L.M. Plan different from other services that you have heard about?
There is no other program in the country that drives ADR (mediation and arbitration) through your entire risk, claim and legal management program and coordinates a team of certified (CWPP�) advisors to help you implement a legal asset protection and wealth management plan while helping you to resolve conflict out of court and implement a long- term plan for reducing your cost of insurance.
Are there any other benefits to C.A.L.M.?
There are too many benefits to list, but here is something to think about:
-Discounted Legal Fees�The beauty of the C.A.L.M. Plan is that the client who buys this service can receive legal discounts that will pay for the first year's fee.
To read more about CALM Level 2 planning and what is provided through C.A.L.M., please click - 2nd tier: CALM Level 2
If you would like to go to our application form for Level 1 C.A.L.M. (Click Here) Get started today!
-99% of the clients with wealth who are reading this are NOT asset protected. If you don�t have a domestic asset protection plan, you will need, at a minimum, a Family Limited Partnership (FLP) created in a secure jurisdiction (CALM Level 2 Protection). The typical cost for a properly set up FLP is $2,500. Through C.A.L.M., clients can purchase an FLP from a pre-qualified attorney for $2,000 (a savings of $500 over the typical price). In order to purchase CALM Level 2 you must first purchase Level 1.
Do you need an FLP for asset protection? The answer is yes if you own:
A brokerage and/or bank account of more than $20,000
A rental property
A boat, plane, waverunner, snow mobile
A vacation condo
To read more about why FLPs are used for asset protection, please go to 2nd tier: CALM Level 2 Protection.
-80% or more of the clients who read this material will not have an �income� tax reduction plan or a comprehensive financial and/or estate plan. A typical comprehensive estate and financial plan review costs approximately $10,000 when put together by �certified� advisors. Through C.A.L.M., clients can receive a comprehensive review for $7,500 (CALM Level 3 Protection which normally costs $10,000-$12,500). To read more about Level 3 Protection, please go to 2nd tier: CALM Level 3 Protection.
-10% of the clients who read this material will be candidates for more complex planning (sometimes offshore planning) which typically costs $20,000 or more to setup (CALM Level 4 Protection). C.A.L.M. will provide to those clients a 20% discount on those services. To read more about Level 4 Protection, please go to 2nd tier: CALM Level 4 Protection
CALM Level 5 is designed for clients who have a net worth of $15,000,000 or more. Such clients not only need asset protection planning, but also need "advanced" estate planning. Most client, even those with $50,000,000 or more, do not really know which are the "best" attorneys in the country when it comes to advanced estate planning. Through the C.A.L.M. Plan, clients can know that their estate plan will be completed by a qualified attorney and overseen by a team of attorneys who are thought of as some of the brightest minds in the country. To read more about CALM Level 5, please click here.
If you are a professional insured with a CALM-certified malpractice insurance agency, you will have access to a coordinated team of claim and legal professionals who work together to help you protect your assets from disgruntled patients and reduce the cost of resolving your claim and protecting your license to practice medicine.
Through C.A.L.M. you will be able to "cut the cost of conflict" and litigation through mediation and arbitration and receive a certified team approach to help you protect your business and personal assets.
Now is the time for you to take control of your life back from Plaintiffs' attorneys and creditors. Now is the time for you to stop getting stressed out. Now is the time for you to get "C.A.L.M."
If you would like to go to our application form for Level 1 C.A.L.M. (Click Here)
Get started today!

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Asset Protecion Training
If you are looking for the most important concepts in Asset Protection, this is where to start! If you need to talk intelligently about protecting your net worth or you are a professional this online training program is for you!

Free Asset Protecion Course
Get our Free Online Asset Protection Video Course.
Learn how to protect yourself like the pros!

Asset Protection in a Nutshell
Clear, concise and straight forward, this e-Book will help you make sound decisions with your business and personal assets..

Protecting Assets - 70+ Video Lessons + 3 Ebooks
This e-course will give you straight forward asset protection advice you can implement now. One of the best asset protection courses available! Includes 70+ video lessons, 3 Ebooks, and 6 example legal documents!

Advanced Estate Planner
The key to a solid Asset Protection Plan is the Estate Plan. This downloadable estate organizer will help you keep track of important information about your assets and important legal documents all in one place.