Domestic Services
At TrustMakers we focus on implementing asset protection techniques and strategies during the different phases of your life and lifestyle with a personal focus on growing and preserving your wealth. We realize that in moving through life, we face challenges and changes that affect our estates, our business affairs and the passing of our wealth to future generations. Through the challenges in our lives, including marriage, children, health, disability, home purchasing, and saving and retirement, priorities are likely to get shuffled into the deck of chance.
What kinds of things are done in an asset protection plan?
-Tax Compliance
-Protection Planning
-Investment Growth
-Succession Planning
-Wealth Preservation
In today’s overly litigious society, chance means risk. The beginning of a plan is designed to protect your most valuable and vulnerable assets first. A well-crafted plan expects and protects us from events that we have no control over and cannot change in the path of destiny. What we do know is that though we cannot prevent unfortunate and unexpected occurrences, we can prepare you for them. Should you face challenges, we can protect your assets and we can provide a safe haven using legally sound principles.
It is a natural tendency to preserve and protect our assets. It may be pride in ownership and it may be the badge of accomplishment. What ever motivates you, you have the right to protect what you own.
Each asset that you own faces its own set of circumstances for growth, risk, tax compliance and protection. Our clients often inquire about the ultimate protection. This is where we begin to ask questions about your personal circumstances.
There are many questions surrounding the ultimate protection. These are typically the first questions that we ask.
Are you in a high-risk profession?
What is the equity to debt ratio of your house?
Are there any other properties?
Do you have a will?
What plans would you like to make concerning your heirs?
What are the tax consequences surrounding your estate?
Do you have other valuable, at-risk assets?
What are the jurisdictional and state laws pertaining to the property?
Are you currently under the threat of any attacks by third parties or the government?
These are only a few of the questions that may pertain to you and the questions that pertain to your asset protection plan.
What is asset protection?
Asset Protection is the legal techniques and a body of statutory and common law protecting personal and business assets from civil money judgments.
What is an asset protection plan?
An asset protection plan is a strategic preparation of legal techniques that incorporates your personal and business assets and protects them from the liability that they are exposed to.
What liabilities should I be protected from in my plan?
Litigation – it could be warranted (as in deserved) or it could be frivolous.
Third Party Debtors – this could be a business deal gone badly, or it could be something that a person is morally obligated to pay.
Flow through liabilities – risk does not always appear in person on your doorstep, sometimes it is a consequence caused from other circumstances.
Business risks – are you in business and is it a high-risk business?
Accidents – the old saying – accidents do happen and of course, they are unforeseen.
Downturns in Investments and Investment Company Risks – not every investment is good and not every company survives in perpetuity.
This site will enlighten you about asset protection. It is our belief that your education is the first step, and the foundation, of your protection. If you have any questions, please call Trustmakers for a free 20-minute consultation.



Asset Protecion Training
If you are looking for the most important concepts in Asset Protection, this is where to start! If you need to talk intelligently about protecting your net worth or you are a professional this online training program is for you!

Free Asset Protecion Course
Get our Free Online Asset Protection Video Course.
Learn how to protect yourself like the pros!

Asset Protection in a Nutshell
Clear, concise and straight forward, this e-Book will help you make sound decisions with your business and personal assets..

Protecting Assets - 70+ Video Lessons + 3 Ebooks
This e-course will give you straight forward asset protection advice you can implement now. One of the best asset protection courses available! Includes 70+ video lessons, 3 Ebooks, and 6 example legal documents!

Advanced Estate Planner
The key to a solid Asset Protection Plan is the Estate Plan. This downloadable estate organizer will help you keep track of important information about your assets and important legal documents all in one place.